Terms & Conditions
Legal Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
The use of this website including content and various services that are provided and / or will be provided are subject to the terms and conditions specified in our terms below. Using this Site constitutes acceptance by the user to the instructions and terms and conditions, and the user’s obligation to act according to them. These conditions are phrased in the masculine for convenience only and they apply to men and women alike.
- Definitions
- In these regulations the following terms shall have the following meaning:
- “Site” – “eylons” Website at URL: http://eylons.com
- “Site operator” – or the “Company” – eylons, Inc. Everywhere in these terms and conditions the word “Company” shall mean, in addition to the website, employees, persons employed by the company in providing services to the Company and / or the Site, officers , shareholders and any functionary in the website and / or Company.
- “User” or “Surfer” – any type of user and / or surfer, including individual or legal entity, such as a company, an organization, association or partnership, using the site either in person or through a representative, including employees and / or third party acting on his behalf.
- “Terms of Use” – This Terms of Use, in its most updated version published on the site.
- “Content” or “contents” – including any information of any kind whatsoever, including any content that is verbal, visual, voice, audio-visual, including text, image, sound, video, in any type of media and on any end-device existing today and / or that will exist in the future and / or any combination thereof in whatever format as well as their design, processing, editing, distributing and displaying, including (but not limited to) any picture, photograph, illustration, animation, drawing, image, imaging, sample, clip, sound and music files; any software, file, computer code, application, format, protocol, database and interface, and any character, symbol and icon.
- “User-generated content” – content that appears on the site originating from users, published in designated areas that allow users to enter their own content to the website – whether separately, in an area designated only for user content or together with content generated by the Site operator, all as determined by the Site operator from time to time.
- “Commercial content” – any content posted on behalf of advertisers and third parties, including users, for the purposes of marketing and selling of properties and / or services, including ads, advertisements, banners and more. It is hereby clarified that publishing commercial content is subject to the terms of the agreement between the site operator and the publishers of the commercial content.
- “Sponsored content” – commercial content which may include opinions and / or “qualitative” information regarding equities, highlighted in a different color and indicating explicitly both that the content is sponsored and the sponsor’s name.
- “Deep link” – a link to content of any website, which is not the home page of that site.
- In these regulations the following terms shall have the following meaning:
- Purpose of the Site
- The Site is designed to allow, among other things, the exchange of views on business topics. The site allows various users to upload content, including comments (talkbacks), discussion groups (forums), questionnaires, voting, ratings, etc.
- The Right to Use the Site
- The Companyinvites users to use the Site, provided that the useis proper, fair and in good faithfor private and personal purposesonly,andwill be based onandsubject to the Terms of Use set out belowand theprovisions of the law.
- It is forbidden to use the Sitefor commercial purposes, other than sponsored commercial oradvertisingcontent, unless express permission is given in advance andin writingby the Company,subject to the conditionsprescribedin the permission (if given).
- These Terms of Use apply touse of the Sitethroughout its levels, contents, andvarious servicesoperating within it. However,there areareas ofthe Site or content that the use of whichis subject, in addition to these terms, to an online agreementand / orconditionsrelatingto themspecifically and users should reviewthe specific conditionsin each individual
- These Terms of Use apply tothe use of the Siteandits contentsregardless ofthe means through whichentrance to the site is carried out (includingcomputerand / orother communication devicesuch asa cellular phone, PDA,), the media through which entrance to the site is carried out (including the internet and / orany networkorother media) orthe placewhere theuser is located (anywherein the world).
- By entering the Siteand using it and /or its contents, you indicatethat you acceptthese Terms of Use, whether you have readtheTerms of Usein their entiretyor notyouwillnot be able to claimignoranceof theTerms of Use. Therefore, please read theTerms of Use carefullybefore you begin using the Site.
- Do not use theSitein a manner contraryto these Terms of Use, unlessexplicitpriorwritten consent ofthe Site operatoris given, and subjectto the terms ofthe consent(if given). Allnon-conforming useas aforesaid,will affordthe Siteoperatortherights andremediesapplicable in caseofa violation, as described in these terms.
- In additionto the restrictionsset forthin these regulations, and as far as the use of economic content originating in exchangesworldwideand / orother sites, the useis also subjectto the Terms ofUse dictatedby the siteoperator from whichthese contents were obtained, including anystock exchangein itselfandthe relevant Securities and Exchange Commission where the relevant exchange is located.
- Registration to the Site
- Some of the site services require registration. You canenjoyany such serviceand useit after you complete theregistration process, provide the informationrequired and after giving your consent tothe online agreementpertaining to the service.
- Siteregistrationis not free toany person.
- Part of the registration process requiresusersto provide personal informationsuch asname, contact informationandemail address.Required fieldswill be marked. Without providingthe required information,you cannotregister forservices requiring registration.
- You mustprovide only true, accurate and complete information, and you hereby confirm that theinformationyou provided is correct.Incorrect informationmay prevent you fromusing the service and may preventcontactwith you.In case ofchanges, your detailsmustbe updated
- The datayou providedduring registrationwill be stored ina database owned bythe Site operator. The Site operatormay usethe provided dataas specified inthe regulations
- Whenregistering for the serviceyou will be askedto choose a usernameandpassword which will identifyyou when you accessthe service.The site operatormay determine fromtime to time,othermeans of identification. Keep your user nameandpassword confidentialto preventBe sureto change the passwordas often as possibleandin any event notless thanonce every sixmonths.
- It is prohibitedto register to the Site as more than a single user.
- The site operatorhas the discretion to notallow you touse a servicethat requiresregistration. Without limiting the foregoing, the Site operatormaycancelyour registration tothe service,or blockyour accessto it, on any of the following situations:
- If when registering for the service you provided incorrect information.
- If you commit a negligent act or action that may damage the Site or any third party, including other subscribers, authors or suppliers of the Site.
- If you used the service or additional services provided on the Site to commit or attempt to commit an illegal act according to the law, or an act which appears to be illegal, or to enable, facilitate, assist or encourage the commission of such an act.
- If you breach the terms of this Terms of Use or the terms of any other service in the Site.
- If you perform any action that would prevent others from joining the service or continue to enjoy the service in any way.
- If you have given the username and password assigned to you when you registered for the use of a third party.
- If you have a debt to the site operator or any corporation controlled by it, and have not paid your debt, despite the fact that the time set for payment has passed.
- In additionto the above, the site operatormay enable thesite registrationusing various social networks.
- Links to the Site
- The Site is notresponsible foranyservicesappearingon external siteslinked to this siteand /or publishedadvertisements displayed on
- No link todeeperlinkson the Site is permitted, unless the deep linkisto a complete internet page(as is), so that you can seeand use it in a completely identical way to the use and viewing of it directly on the Site.
- It is strictly forbiddento linkto contents on the Site, independently from the web pagesthey appearon (for example: it is forbidden to link directly to apictureora graphic file, but rather to the full page in whichthey appear). Also, the exact address of the web page should appear in the usual designated place, for example: in theuser’s browser URL field. It is forbidden to alter,distortorhide this address or replace it with any other address.
- It is forbidden to link to the Site from any websitethat containspornographic content, content that promotesracism or discrimination, or content that is illegal orwhose publicationis illegal or incitesillegal activity.
- Links From the Site
- You will find on the Site linksto various pages onthe internet. Those linksenable you to findcontent on the Internet, whichis not published bythe operatorand /or its representatives that have nocontrol orsupervision of these content
- The veryappearance ofa linkon the Site, linking to contentthat appearelsewhereon the internetand / orany other media, does notindicate theconsent ofthe Site operatorto the samecontent anddoes notguaranteeits authenticity,and / or that it is up to dateand / orvalid, andrelianceand / oruse of thatcontentis subject tothe consent of theowners ofthe content and /orterms of use, privacy policy andanyother aspect oftheir operation.
- You may findthat thecontent behind the links are notappropriate foryour needsand /or that youobject to their contentand /or consider it aggravating, annoying, improper, illegal or immoral. However,it is clarified thatthe Company is notresponsible for the contentwhich the links lead to and is not responsiblefor any consequence resultingfrom its useand / orreliance thereon.
- The Company does notguarantee that thelinks on the Siteleadto an active websiteandmay removefrom the Sitelinks that were included in the past or refrainfrom adding new links-allat its sole discretion.
- User-Generated Content – Restrictions, Rights and Responsibilities
- Designated areas on the Site are intended for content published by users, including recommendations on business issues. These contents are an integral part of the user-generated content on the site and the instructions and Terms of Use for user-generated content (see definitions in Chapter 1) applies to it.
- The option for users to publish recommendations and exchange opinions on the Site may be subject to pre-registration to the site.
- Users agree that they will not be entitled to any compensation from the Site operator and / or from anyone on its behalf and / or other users on the Site, directly or indirectly, for the content they post on the site.
- Users who post content on the Site declare that the content posted is correct and accurate and that any assessment and / or analysis made on their part is done in good faith and with no intention to hurt anyone and / or to violate the provisions of any law.
- Content written, edited and created by visitors to the Site reflects only the views of their creators. Any user posting content on the site, takes full and exclusive responsibility for any consequence deriving from its publication.
- Any content published by visitors to the Site does not reflect in any way the position and / or opinion of the Site operator and its publication does not constitute any concurrence on the part of the Site operator. The Site operator does not review the content, or the degree of its reliability and accuracy and / or of its source.
- The Site may feature user generated content, including criticism on people and / or productsand /or servicesand / orevents, which does not reflectthe views ofthe Site operator, but rather theuser’s personal views
- It is forbidden to uploadand /or sendto theSitecontent that is (or that the user has areasonable basis to believethat it is) commercial(unlessstatedexplicitly in the advertisedcontent), illegal,immoral orirrelevant, containing falseinformation(spam, etc.) ,incorrect and / orunreasonabledataand / or content that violates (or that the actual postingviolates) in any waythe terms ofthis document and / or the rights ofany third partyand / orany lawincluding the law ofprivacyanddefamation. Before sending or uploading content for publication on the Site, the user is obligated toverify theauthenticityandlegality of theAmong other things,without derogatingand / or adding and forillustration purposes only, it is forbidden to publish thefollowing contents:
- Any information you know to be false, misleading or fraudulent.
- Any content that infringes or violates the proprietary rights of others – including copyrights and trademarks.
- Any content bearing a pornographic or sexual nature.
- Any information concerning minors that identifies them, their personal details or their address and the means to contact them.
- All computer software, computer code or application containing a virus – and so on.
- Passwords, user names andother details enabling theuse of computer software, digital files, websites orservices that require registrationorpayment, withoutpayment or registration.
- Any contentconstituting defamation ofa person or violating his/her privacyor
- Any contentthat identifies other peoplewithout theirconsent to publish their identity.
- Any content that is harassing,insulting,hostile, intimidatingorrude.
- Any content which is orincites racismorinvalid discrimination based onrace, origin, color, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, occupation, sexual orientation, illness, physical or mental disability, creed, political opinions, orsocio – economic status.
- Any contentthat promotesany criminal offenseor that maybe the basis forprosecutionorthe imposition ofcivil liability.
- Any contentthat maymislead consumers.
- Any content with an advertising or commercial nature(unlessexplicitlystatedin accordance with theregulations).
- Allcontentthat is conflicting tothe acceptable Internet usage rules or that may cause damage orharm to Internet usersin generalandin particularthe Site’s users.
- Any contentblocked bya password, etc.andis not freely accessible to allInternet users.
- It is forbidden by any usertoimpersonateany person and/or entityand /or bodyand /or company.
- The commercial and / or promotional use of the Site’s services, is strictly forbidden including advertising services and / or different products offered by you and / or by third parties, whether free or not, for either for-profit or non-profit, excluding the publishing of commercial content and / or sponsored content which will heed to the regulations of this document and provide visibility to the fact that it is commercial or sponsored content.
- For the avoidance of any doubt, it is hereby emphasized that the Site operator does not bear any responsibility in connection with the content including its correctness, reliability, accuracy, legality, etc., and that the responsibility for the content and any consequence arising from it and / or from its publication and / or in connection with it, including the use of content and / or any claim towards it and / or response to it, shall lie exclusively on the user that created it. In the event that a user chooses to rely on any information which is posted on the Site, the user acknowledges that the use of the website is his/her sole responsibility including all associated risks and opportunities, if any, and that the Company is not responsible for content of any kind appearing on the Site. The user hereby declares that he expressly waives the Company’s liability with regard to the recommendations and / or data and / or information and / or other content appearing on the Site.
- It is clarifiedthat the meretransferringanddelivery ofcontentto the site,constitutes acceptance and acknowledgment on the part of the transferor to its publishing, and a statement that he/she is the creator and / or owner of the full rights and / or the lawful permission holder from the owner of the rights, allowing him/her to post the contenton the Siteand giverights of useas set out below.
- The submission of content for publicationprovides the Site a free, worldwideandunlimited license tocopy, reproduce,distribute, market, make available, arrange, edit, translateandotherwise use such content in any other way, at its discretion, whether on the site,in printed material, including newspapers, magazines, periodicals -journals, books, etc., digital media, includingother websites, digital archivesand in services providedin communication networks, including land lines, wireless, cellular, cableand
- Usingthe Site, includingadvertisingcontent on it, is subject to the condition that you waive anyclaim and /or demand and/orlawsuit in connectionwith the lossand / ordamage tocontents(including their deletion) and / orfor anyother damagesin connection therewith.
- Commercial Content – Restrictions, Rights and Responsibilities
- The Sitemay includecommercial materialsuch as advertisements, posted on behalfofvarious advertisersand users seekingto sell assets or
- The Site operatorwill not be responsiblefor commercial content postedon it.The sole responsibility for the commercial contentandany consequence resultingfrom its use or ofrelying on it lies on the publishers.
- The Site operatordoes not createand / orcheckand / orverifiesand /or edits thecontent or itsauthenticity.
- Registeringand /or providinginformation by purchasingproducts or servicesthrough the Sitewill serveas a confirmationon your behalfto be includedin the mailing list fromvarious tradebodiesincluding the relevant site, through Email, SMS, etc. However,you caninform the Site following anyadvertisement you receive, of your refusalto receive further advertisements (opt out). Until you do, you will continue to receiveadvertisementsas stated.
- Advertisingcommercial contenton the site does not constitute a recommendationorencouragement to purchasethe servicesor products offeredfor sale.
- Any transaction madefollowing the publication of commercial contenton the Site, will be settleddirectlybetween the userand the relevant advertiser. The Site and / oroperators are notparty to anysuch transaction, and do not bearresponsibility for servicesandgoods offered through commercialcontenton the siteor purchasedthrough it.
- Trademarks andadvertisements of advertisersites are the propertyof their publisherandmay not be usedwithout the advertiser’sprior written permission.
- The company allows several companies to manage the array of advertisements submitted to the Site and / or uses systems from other companies. Ads that users view when visiting the site, originate from the computers of those companies. In order to manage the advertisements, these companies insert Cookies on users’ computer and insert “Web beacons” in their advertisements or webpages. Beacons are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, embedded on Web pages in order to collect information about the site’s usage. The use of such Cookies and web beacons is subject to their own privacy policies and not this Policy. A user wishing to check the privacy policies of the companies managing the advertising scheme on the Site can do so through the websites of these companies.
- The Site operatormaystopand /or changeanyadvertising program,at any timeat its sole discretion.
- Commercial content presented as sponsored content providing users with specific answers to their questions by the sponsor, are subject to the provisions of the law of consultation regarding the investment advice services provided by financing advertiser. The site operator bears no responsibility for the sponsored content.
- Site Operator’s Involvement in Supplying and Editing Content
- The Site operatorwill not carry outany intervention in user generated content, given as an answer to specific questionsfrom other users in a way that may provide answers to specialneedsofthose users. The site operatormayproduce contentfor the benefit ofThis content will be explicitly highlighted.The site operator’s interventionthrough the creation ofsuch contentisby providingfactual informationaboutsecurities(such as –publication of information, share price, etc.), including by way ofpointing readers’ attentionto articlesand /or informationrelatingto the securitiesprovidedfor reference on other sites, which is public information, not basedon analysis. The site operatorwill avoidaddressing specific questionsof users.
- The Site operator does not guarantee that the content you post on the site will get responses. The Site operator cannot know what comments (if any) you will get following the publication, or who will respond to the content you post, therefore it will not bear responsibility towards user’s published content (or anyone acting on their behalf) for responses, the identity of responders to the content provider or any consequence derived from the posting. The Site operator is not responsible for any usage of third party contents.
- The Site operatorwill be entitled, but not obligated, torefuse to publish, remove, delete, block viewand / ornot to allow the publication ofany contenton the site,which may infringe on the right of privacyorwhich involvesabusive comments, advertising (notaccording to therules) or incitement, etc., including imposingrestrictionsof any kindona specific userorgroup ofusers, at its sole and absolute discretion. The Site operatorwill not be requiredto update theuser/sbeforetakingthese measures and shall notbe obligated to provide any explanationfor this.
- Users should not rely on the Site as the single source for saving exclusive content.
- The Site does not and will not constitute a platform for specific questions on investment securities and / or financial assets to the Site operator and the Site operator will not provide answers to such questions. Use of this Site does not replace and is not a substitute for investment advice by licensed investment advisers, who take into account the needs of the customer.
- The Site operatormay,at its sole andabsolutediscretiondiscloseand / orreveal the identityand / oruser information on the following circumstances:
- The content and / or information used by the user are allegedly illegal.
- The content and / or information used by the user is associated with and / or concerns legal proceedings and / or is required for proceedings by any third party and a discovery order has been given by the court and / or an authorized authority.
- The content and / or information used by the user are required to enforce the correct and proper application of these Terms of Use.
- The content and / or information used by the user are required to protect the interests of the Site operator at its sole discretion.
- If the Site operator is required by an authorized authority to reveal the identity and / or user information.
- Someof the content, dataandinformation publishedby theSite operator is obtainedfrom third parties, including other websites and are subject to changefrom time to timeand are provided “as is”, for your convenienceandpersonal use. Amongother things, youhave to consider thatafter its publication, changes may occur in the informationthatmay not appearon the site.Therefore,do not relysolelyon the information. The site operatoris not liable forthe security price, the calculation of prices, the calculation yieldsandfinancial datacontained in it.
- The Site operator has the right tomake changes tothe Site and /or theTerms of Use below,from time to time, including addingand / orwithdrawing theservicesand / orchange the Terms of Use foruse of the Site and / ortermination of the Siteor any ofits systemsand /or servicescontained therein, in whole or in part, atits sole discretion.
- The Site operatordisclaimsany kind ofresponsibilitythatstemsfrom abuseof the Site content.
- “The Investors Game” does not constitute adviceorportfolio managementand should be regarded as a gameAnyactivity should not be regarded as a recommendationor advice regarding securities. Anyone taking action based on this activityis doing so onhis own responsibilityand healone shall be liablefor any lossor damage causedto him.
- Use of Content by the User
- Your use of the Website, including any use of any content and any reliance on it, are your sole responsibility.
- Users will not have any claim against or demand from the Site operator and / or the Site regarding the characteristics, capabilities, limitations, suitability of the Site content or reactions caused (if any) by the publication of content on the Site.
- You may not copy or use, or allow others to use in any other way, the Site content, including for other websites, electronic publications, printed publications etc., for any purpose, whether commercial or non-commercial, that is not for personal and private use.
- Do not operateor allow the operation of anycomputer application orany other means, including softwarecrawlers, robotsand the like,in order to search, scan, copy, or automatically retrievecontent fromthe Site.You may notcreate or usesuch toolsto compile a collectionordatabase containingcontent from the Site.
- Do not display content from the Site in a frame, whether visible or invisible.
- Do not display content from the Site in any way – including using any software, device, apparatus or communication protocol – that change their design or subtract any content, in particular advertisements and commercial content.
- The publication of business and / or other content on the Site does not constitute a recommendation or opinion regarding the transactions and financial conduct, including the purchase or sale of securities. Therefore, any decision regarding the use of business content found on the Site shall be the responsibility of the user alone.
- The Site content, including any document and / or file attached does not constitute an offer and / or advice in general that take into account your circumstances and needs for purchasing and / or investing , actions and / or any transactions and does not constitute a recommendation and / or opinion and / or substitute for your personal and independent judgment.
- The Site content does not constitute financial and / or pension advice customized for your personal needs and preferences, and does not constitute a recommendation for any transaction in securities, financial assets and / or pension products.
- Use of the Content by the Site Operator
- The Site operatorshall be entitledbut not obligated, to storeand /or save thecontents.
- The Site may include programs that obtain information about your activity on the Site, and analyze it and for the purpose of improved customization of service to users, and your use of the Site constitutes your consent for this. The information may be kept in the Site databases and may be used to make decisions regarding the provision of services in the future, and you agree to it.
- The Site operator shall be entitled to make any use (including commercial use) of content it deems appropriate, including distribution, publishing and transferring them to any party whatsoever, and the user will not be entitled to any compensation in respect of such use.
- The Site operator and/ or controllingparties and / orinterested parties may from time to timehave an interest in the informationpresented on the Siteand / or to the linked sites, including but not limited tofinancial assetsappearing on them.
- The Site operator and/ or controllingparties and / orinterested partiesmay holdvarious securities, including securitiesmentioned on the Site.
- Intellectual PROPERTY
- All copyrightand intellectual property inthe Site, in theservices offeredand in any contentcontained therein belongs to theSite operatorand /or its representative, including contentthat third partiesagreed to publish on the Site.
- It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, distribute, publicly display, publicly execute, transfer to the public, change, process, create derivative works from, sell or lease any of the above, whether by yourself or through or in cooperation with a third party, in any way whether electronic, mechanical, optical, photographic or recording, or by any other means, without obtaining prior written consent from the Site or from the other right owners, as appropriate and subject to the consent (if given). This directive shall also apply to any arrangement, editing or translation made by the Site to content entered or posted by users of the Site.
- If and to the extent that such consent was given, the user shall not remove, delete, or distort any sign of intellectual property, for example – the copyright © or ® trademark, related to content used by him.
- Liability and Indemnification
- You agree to indemnify the Company, its employees, managers or anyone on its behalf for any damage, loss, profit loss, fee or expense incurred by them – including legal fees and court costs – due to the violation of these Terms of Use. In addition, you will indemnify the Company, its employees, managers or anyone on its behalf in respect of any claim and / or demand made against them – by any third party resulting from content you posted on the Site and of links you linked to the Site.
- Availability and Site Security
- The Site operator does not guarantee thatthe Sitewill always be available.The Company mayat any timeterminatetheprovision ofservices on the Site, in whole or in part.
- Use of the Site is exposed to risks inherent to the Internet, and systems based on software, hardware and networks, including risks arising from malware (viruses, Trojan horses, etc.), communication line wire-tapping, and infiltration by hostile elements, phishing on the Site or any of the systems and other online scams. The Site operator makes an effort to protect against these risks, however absolute protection is not possible and damages and / or losses due to the materialization of these risks may occur, including the disclosure and / or disruption of information transmitted and / or displayed on the Site and / or systems, disruptions of the Site and / or systems and / or their response times, lack of availability of a system and / or Site services etc.
- The Site operatormay allowdownloading software. The Site operatorand / orsoftware manufacturerare not responsible forany damages that maybe caused bydownloading such softwareand /or use ofany software downloadedfrom the Site.
- The Company maychange the structure,appearance and design of the Site from time to time, including thescope and availabilityofitsservicesand is allowed to change anyother aspect ofthe Site-all withouthaving to notify youin advance.You will have noclaimand /or demand againstthe Company formakingsuch changes and /or for malfunctions resulting from these changes.
- Arbitration and Jurisdiction
- The Site servicesdo notfinda placewhere their useis not permitted underlocal law.
- Use of this Siteand anything resultingfrom such use is subject to the lawsof the Stateof Israel, andthe courts ofTelAviv-Jaffashall have sole jurisdiction over any matters arising related to them.
- Site Privacy Policy
- The Companyrespects the privacy ofusers of the Site itmanages and operates.
- The informationuploaded tothe Site (or part thereof) maybe exposedfrom time to timeto employees of the Companyand / orentitiesthat provideservices to it, for the purpose of maintaining and improving the Site, offeringvarious services toitsusersandso on. The Companyis making effortstoprevent misuseof informationuploaded byusers, but is unable toguaranteethat thepartiesshall notmake use(including misuse) of informationpertaining to usersand the userwaivesin advance anycomplaintwith respecttotheCompany and /or anyoneon its behalf and/orrelated to it.
- Some of the Services on the Site are run by the Site’s content partners.These servicesare offered from thecomputers of thosepartnersand not from theSite. When using these servicesusers maybe requiredto disclose personal informationorinformation may be collectedabout them. Using this information issubject tothe privacy policy ofthese servicesand not the privacy policyof this Site so it is recommendedto checktheir privacy policy as well.
- As part of the initial registration to the Site, registration to additional sections of the Site and / or performing updates by the user, from time to time users may be required to provide personal information (such as name, address, contact information and other data) (“Registration Data”). The Registration data will be stored in the database of the Site. The User is not obliged to hand over the registration data, but without them the use of the Site is limited to only those activities which do not require the registration data i.e. all the activities offered on the site that require the use of the un-shared information, will not be available to the user and in some cases the user will not be able to perform any activities relating to the Site. The user undertakes to provide accurate information only, and to keep your user name and password confidential (which will be used in part for identification purposes and to perform database operations) In order to prevent misuse. In order to prevent harm to the privacy of the user it is recommended to change the user password frequently.
- In the case that the registration to the Site is done through social networks, some contentmayalsobe exposed tothe social networkoperators. The Siteoperatorbears no responsibilityregardingtheuse of information by thatsocialnetwork’s operators.
- It is hereby clarified that if the Company will be required – by any authorized authority (including a legal or public authority) to disclose personal information about any user, or if the Company shall have reasonable cause to believe that disclosure of such information or other is required in accordance with law and / or in accordance with accepted legal standards and / or to prevent damage to other users and / or any third party, then the Company may disclose this information, even if the details relate to the privacy or confidentiality of the user. It is further clarified that the Company may disclose such details as necessary for the fulfillment of the Company’s rights towards the user and / or the enforcing of the Terms of Use. It is also clarified that as far as the user uses the Site in a way that is claimed to damage a third party and / or violate third party rights and / or the law, then the Company may disclose the user’s personal information as deemed necessary by law enforcement and / or the party claiming that damaging action were taken by the user (and / or take any other action required by an authorized authority).
- The Companyreserves the rightto periodically reviewcontentuploadedor postedon the Site.It is clarified that thedecision whether toreview thecontentwill be made by the Company,at its sole and absolute discretion, that there is no obligationon the part of the Companyto reviewthe contentorcheck it out, and that grantingorexercising the right toreview thecontentdoes not constitute a commitmenton the part ofthe Companyto monitor such contentand / or to take responsibility in relation to such
- After opening a user account on the Site and if asked to ” import ” his contacts from other sources (such as the user’s email account, his Facebook account, and so on), the user can permit the Company, as offered from time to time and / or in different areas of site, to use the user’s contact list (“contacts”) and email addresses of those contacts. This is done in order to enable the Company to inform the user about the contacts listed on the site, so the user can, if he so desires, try to contact the listed contact people within the framework of the Website. For that purpose, the user shall provide (only once) the Company with his username and password to the relevant accounts from which he wishes to “import” contacts. The Company declares that this data will not be used but for the above, and the company will not retain users’ private data which may be exposed while performing said actions in these accounts. In addition, the user allows the Company to notify the new enrollees to the site, which the user is in their contacts list, that the user is a registered user of the Site, in order to allow the new applicants, if they wish, to contact the user in the framework of the Site.
- The userallows theCompany to use his contact detailsin order to sendhim essential messagesregarding the Siteand / or regarding his use of the
- The user allows the Company to use his contact details in order to send him
e-mail, text messages (SMS) or other messages concerning products and / or services which are provided by the Company and / or by third parties associated with the Company through a commercial or other relationships, provided that within 2 (two) working days from the time the Company receives instruction from the user to do so, the Company will cease from using the information to contact or send messages, provided that in each message sent by the company (if it sends) to the user, the user will be given a convenient option to notify the company that he does not want to receive further messages as above. - The user agrees that while using the Site, information will be collected. Among other things, information about which pages were viewed, services presented, the ads that he was exposed to, the content that he found interesting, interactions with other users, data relating to the device used for surfing the Site, duration of his visit to the Site, and the actions performed by him on the Site and / or other sites / applications he reached through the Site.
- The User agrees that the Site operator may collect information regarding the network’s use and usage patterns, and use it to improve the services it offers, for targeted advertising or other commercial purposes.
- It is strictly forbidden to copy, collect or download from the website details or information regarding Site users, make any use of such information or transfer it to third parties (with or without compensation).
- The Company reserves the right to collect different kinds of information about the users on the Site. This is only a statistical collecting that does not enable exposure or association of personal information with respect to users and is designed, among other things, to contact the user, to improve the services provided to the user through the Site, to adjust the Site to the needs and personal preferences of users and to perform statistical analysis of the Company.
- The information collectedin relation to visitors that do not register to the Site will be of general statisticalnatureThe Company shall havethe right tocollectinformation about a user whoregisteredto the Site duringhis surfing. The Company may collect information abouthis habits, information or advertisementsread by him, pages viewed, proposals he was interested in, the meansof payment used by him and any other information.The Companyretainstheinformation collectedin its database,andwill be entitled touse itfor its purposes.
- Subject to the provisions of any law, the user allows the Company to keep the personal data relating to him which the Company possesses to be included in the database it owns and / or that the Company will generate in the future, despite the fact that it was explained to him explicitly that there is no obligation to provide the data as aforesaid, provided that the personal data will be used for purposes of research, statistics, content customization and product and service marketing and that the data will not be given to any third party (except as part of a provider group relating to the number of people without specifying the identity of the people), unless the user explicitlyapproves it.
- In order to prevent mishaps and / or poor communication and / or unpleasantness which may originate from the fact that the data and / or personal information pertaining to the user is not updated in time, the user is asked to verify, at all times, that the data and / or personal information pertaining to him as indicated on the Site are up-to-date and accurate.
- The Site usescookiesto collectstatistical usage data totailor the Siteto the user’spersonal preferencesandto assist in the Site’s operation. Cookiesare text files created by the user’s browser on command by the companycomputersand maintainedon theuser’s hard drive. These files contain assorted informationsuch as the pagesvisited bythe user, timespenton Site,where he came from to the Site, Siteareasand theinformationthat he wanted to seewhen he logged in to the Site andThe Cookie information is encrypted, and the Company takes precautions in order to ensure that only the company’s computers can read and understand the information stored in them. The Company will not transfer to third parties information relating to user data that was collected through cookies except as stated in the section above, unless it has permission from the user. If the user does not want to accept cookies, he can avoid this by changing the settings in his browser. To do so consult your browser’s Help file. The user should bear in mind, however, that disabling cookies may cause some of the services and features on the site to be inaccessible to him. In addition, the user can delete the cookies on his computer at any time. Whereas Cookies help avoid the need to enter user names and passwords they may also hold other information about his preferences, it is not recommended to delete them before the user is convinced that all information necessary to use the site is in a safe place.
- Contacting the Site
- The company strictly obeys the law and respects the rights of other users of the Site to privacy and good reputation. If you believe that content posted on the Site offends you for any reason, please contact us at the information below and we’ll try to handle your request as soon as possible. Such requests can be transferred through the contact page on the Site.
Please keep and track of changes.
- The company strictly obeys the law and respects the rights of other users of the Site to privacy and good reputation. If you believe that content posted on the Site offends you for any reason, please contact us at the information below and we’ll try to handle your request as soon as possible. Such requests can be transferred through the contact page on the Site.